Matthew Ferrando

Matthew was born and raised in Staten Island, New York. He attended the College of Staten Island and earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Sociology. After graduating, he joined Hebrew Public and is thrilled to be part of the Talent Team! During his free time, he is a classic rock buff and loves to spend time […]

Lisa Rodriguez

Lisa is a dedicated HR professional who is passionate about supporting a positive workplace environment and enhancing employee experiences. Her role as Human Resources Assistant involves supporting the HR department in various projects, managing employee records, assisting with onboarding and employee benefits. Lisa holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Corporate Communications from Baruch College. In her […]

Samona Sufian

Samona grew up in New Jersey and went to Rutgers University for her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Labor Relations & HR. After graduate school, she worked for two years at a logistics company starting their HR department. After that, she worked at Birthright Israel Foundation, where she was their HR Director. Samona is excited […]

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