Our goal is to provide an education that prepares our students for an ever-expanding world. We not only provide high-quality instruction, and aim to develop values such as empathy, social and civic responsibility, and global citizenship. Our robust program includes English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Modern Hebrew and Israel Studies, Music, Art, Physical Education, and Social and Emotional Learning. We hold our students to a high level of academic expectation and differentiate our instruction, and employ best practices in education to meet each child’s needs.

English Language Arts (ELA)
Our ELA program focuses on developing students who have a love of reading, are analytic readers and writers, and can express themselves creatively and argumentatively through their writing.

Our mathematics program focuses on creating young mathematicians who are problem solvers, have a solid foundation in number fluency, and can explain and justify their thinking as well as critique the reasoning of others.

Our science program provides an authentic, grounded approach to increasing student achievement in science. We use the Science Dimensions program for K-8 science.

Modern Hebrew
In Hebrew, students engage in meaningful interactions in the language, developing their speaking and comprehension skills. In just a short time, students are able to understand Hebrew and respond in simple sentences. As their skills grow, they are introduced to more complex topics and are able to communicate in Hebrew in more sophisticated ways. Hebrew is usually taught by native speakers, who only speak to their students in Hebrew.

Israel Studies
Israel Studies is implemented during Hebrew classes and specials regularly. Israel is celebrated through school events, special workshops, and guest speakers. Students participate in hands-on experiences related to the history and geography of Israel throughout the school year, including specially designed lessons that teach Israel from a comparative perspective.

Social and Emotional Learning
In addition to social and emotional learning opportunities being integrated into classroom instruction, we provide students with differentiated support (advisory, mentoring); experiential learning opportunities, and involvement of students as collaborators in their learning. Responsive Classroom is a school-wide approach to how we build positive, engaging learning communities with our children.
Physical Education
Our physical education program helps students develop physical and athletic skills while excelling on an individual level and as members of a team. While students exercise, they
collaborate, make friends, have fun, and improve their self-esteem. Teamwork is a critical component of physical education and is developed through both partner and group activities. In PE class, students develop valuable global citizenship skills including empathy, respect, inclusivity, kindness, and more.
The Arts
To access the full potential of arts education, the school provides focused instruction on particular art subjects and the integration of arts education in the broader curriculum. Wherever possible, Hebrew language instruction is integrated into our music and arts education.
Special Education Services
The school seeks to serve all students in the least restrictive learning environment possible. We use an inclusion model for educating our students with special needs to ensure regular interaction among all students. Special education students are served outside of the classroom only when appropriate services cannot be provided in the regular classroom setting. The school’s continuum of special education services includes related service supports, the Integrated Co-Teaching model (ICT), and Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS). The ICT model involves a general education teacher and a special education teacher jointly providing instruction to a class that includes both students and students without disabilities to meet the diverse learning needs of all children in a class. In the SETSS program, the teacher, through small group instruction, ensures that a student receives individualized accommodations and modifications to support instruction within the classroom. The amount and frequency of support a student receives in each of these programs are stated in the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP). In addition to academic support, we also offer related service support for students who qualify for them. Based on the specific requirements of their IEPs, students receive speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling within the school building.
Sample Schedule

“In my school, I feel special, I feel heard, and I feel appreciated. I am looking forward to taking what I’ve learned here to high school and beyond.”
– Milianna – 8th Grade Student