
Now accepting applications for grades K-7!
How do I apply?
- Go to on your phone, tablet or computer
- Create an account and fill out your family profile
- Select Philadelphia Hebrew Public Charter School
- Submit the application
What information do I need to apply?
- Parent/guardian’s name, email address and home address
- Student’s date of birth, current school and grade, and the grade applying for in 2024-25 school year
What happens after I apply?
- Philadelphia Hebrew Public will conduct a public lottery on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
- If you apply by the deadline of Tuesday, January 21, 2025, you will find the lottery results on Friday, February 7, 2025. Families who receive an offer via the lottery will be notified of lottery results by phone, email, and letter home. Families who are waitlisted in the lottery will receive a notification by email.
- If you apply after the deadline, your student will be automatically added to the waitlist for the grade to which you have applied.
- Offers will be extended to waitlisted families as space is available.
How do I learn more?
- Attend or watch one of our open house sessions to meet our leadership team and learn more about our programs.
- RSVP for a school tour
- Read about our academic program.
For assistance, please email us at in**@ph**********************.org or call 267.225.1511.
Eligibility & Student Preferences
Philadelphia Hebrew Public is a tuition-free public charter school open to any student who is a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia Hebrew Public will serve all students, regardless of level of need, and provide the continuum of Special Education services and related services as required in an IEP or 504 plan or for an English Language Learner. All students entering Kindergarten must be five years old by September 1, 2025. All students entering 1st grade must be six years old by September 1, 2025. Student preferences include:
- Students who are residents in Philadelphia are given first preference.
- The child(ren) of a current employee or original founding member of Charter School is exempted from the lottery process if there is space in the grade sought.
- Siblings (defined as children having one common parent) of students enrolled at Charter School from the prior school year are exempted from the lottery provided there is space available for the grade sought. Siblings must be Philadelphia residents to be eligible for this preference. A sibling lottery will be held if there are more siblings than seats available in any grade.
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Priority will be given to applicants according to the stated preferences listed in the Student Admission’s Policy. The lottery will be conducted by the school on the Apply Philly Charter system. Upon application submission, each applicant is automatically assigned a random lottery number. When the lottery is run, it will take the following into account: first, the priority group an applicant falls into, and, second, the applicant’s random lottery number. Seats will first be offered to applicants who fall into the first priority group in order of lowest random lottery number to highest. The lottery will then offer seats to applicants in the second, third, etc. priority groups in order of random lottery number until the number of available seats has been exhausted. Applicants who were not offered a seat through the lottery will be waitlisted in order of their priority group first, and their random lottery number second.
Applicants who were offered a seat through the lottery will be notified on Friday, February 7, 2025, via email through Apply Philly Charter. Applicants will also be able to log in to their Apply Philly Charter accounts on Wednesday, February 5, 2025, to view their application results. Applicants who were offered a seat through the lottery will have until Friday, February 21, 2025, to accept their seat offer on Apply Philly Charter by clicking “accept” in their Apply Philly Charter accounts. Applicants will then be required to submit enrollment paperwork to the school by March 10, 2025. Enrollment paperwork will not be collected through Apply Philly Charter.