Sarit Delouya

שרית דלויה
Academic Dean of Hebrew

Sarit Delouya is the founding Academic Dean of Hebrew at HLA2. She has more than 15 years experience working as a Hebrew teacher and has a strong background in Hebrew curriculum and instruction with the proficiency approach for second language acquisition. Sarit earned her B.Ed at Oranim- The Academic College of Education in Kiryat Tiv’on, Israel.

Today, Sarit is working on her M.A. for teaching Hebrew as a second language at Middlebury College. Sarit worked as a homeroom teacher in Israel, was as an Instructor at Branco Weiss Institute, served as a Hebrew teacher at HLA since it was founded in 2009, and later as an Assistant Director of Hebrew Curriculum and Instruction prior to her current role. She also served as a consultant at Areivim Philanthropic Group and mentored Project leaders who led summer Hebrew programs Language Camps. As a highly skilled and resourceful educator, Sarit delivers unique instruction to differentiation in the classroom to best reach each student. As a lifelong learner and committing to making a positive difference, Sarit is dedicated and passionate to educate children for a successful future and prepare them to be role models and global citizens.