Jonathan Rosenberg

ג׳ונתן רוזנברג
Chief Executive Officer/President

Jon is an experienced social sector leader, education program developer, and civil rights lawyer. He has served as CEO of Repair the World, as executive director of Roads to Success, and in senior staff roles at Edison Schools Inc., The Children’s Aid Society, and the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights. Jon began his legal career as a public defender at The Legal Aid Society. He has been an active volunteer in the Montclair School District, where he and his family live, and has served on the boards of Ascend Learning, the Center for Learner Equity, and the National Coalition of Diverse Charter Schools. He is a past-chair of the New York City Bar Association’s Committee on Education and the Law. A graduate of Columbia Law School, he holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania.